Friday, July 11, 2008

The end of the week musings

Its Friday...and that means the weekend. This Friday, it also means the beginning of 10 days of this years vacation.

I have broken vacation up this year, into 3 segments. I am taking 10 days now, and we are going to travel to the states by car. I love this kind of vacation. We drive each day until we are tired, and then find a nice place to stay. We try to stop early enough to venture out and see whatever local sights might be available. Mike is an excellent companion for me in so many ways, but especially this.

We are in sync when it comes to holidays and he is so funny and knows how to make me laugh. I am usually the navigator...and I always get us lost. He thinks I do it on purpose...perhaps I do. Sometimes I drive...but not often.

I am taking another week in September to go away for a wedding, and then he and I want to go somewhere hot this winter. Winters where I live are long, cold and dark. It begins at the end of September, and is not over until mid June. Our temps are 50 degrees celsius. Very very cold. We need to have a break from that in January or February.

Being bipolar really isnt dependent on the seasons like some other types of depression. What I have found though, is that even though I am a rapid is much worse in the winter months. Last winter was horrid.

It has been very quiet at work today. Perhaps because so many people are on vacation....not sure. I sit at my desk, I have been reading blogs. I read these blogs every evening, but today I got to peruse them a great deal. Some of them have a very religious slant to them. Thats NOT the reason I read them however.

I read them because of the blogger, and the stories that each have to share. Today though, I was thinking. Thinking, and feeling a little something that felt like envy. I wish I could believe everything so easily. I wish I could have the kind of faith that some of these women have.

Its real for them too. Its not something that they are just saying for the heck of it. Its real for them, and it seems to me that is has impacted their lives in such a positive way.

I do believe in God....or something. I wouldnt really know what to call it. I also have convinced myself that there is a better place than here....and that I will get to see my loved ones there after death. I believe this because the grief is overwhelming, and I need something to hold onto.

I dont know....I get confused. I have a difficult time looking at the things that happen in the world to people....and I wonder, where is God in all of this? Why do innocent children have to starve....why do innocent people have to die in a war fought for oil or money to line some fat cats pocket? Cause lets face it....thats usually why wars are fought. Weapons of mass destruction be damned!

Too much happens, and if I hear when "life gives lemons...make lemondade" one more time in reference to God....I will scream. In truth, I would like to have the strength of character that so many of those posters do.

I live by the golden rule...well I attempt to at any rate. Its a good rule to live by, but I would like to walk everyday with certainty and peace that many people with strong faith do.

Now...its time to go and with my dogs for a bit. Poor things are being babysat. We usually take them, but like people who have small children, (because thats what our pets are to us) we felt like time alone.

I will take my laptop I think. Would hate to go into blog withdrawal while away.


Kahless said...

When you said
"I get confused. I have a difficult time looking at the things that happen in the world to people....and I wonder, where is God in all of this? Why do innocent children have to starve....why do innocent people have to die in a war fought for oil or money to line some fat cats pocket? "
I totally agree and come from a similar angle of confusion. I am not one to turn to God with my problems either.

I hope you have a good break.

Casey said...

lol kahless...a very well meaning minister once told me to hand my problems over to god. I tried...I prayed the words...and the 10 min later in my head I was telling hime to give them back. Control issues perhaps....but really I just dont trust it enough.

Thank you kahless...I need the break, but want to keep up on your life and ms laptop will come with me.

Love to you

Spilling Ink said...

I hope you have a wonderful time while you are away.

I'm not big on religion, either. I used to be. I even used to teach Sunday school! I grew up hearing how I should 'hand my problems to God'. Maybe I'm just a hard cynic, but all that really means is pretend it doesn't bother you, soldier on, quit complaining, etc... I have noticed how fellow parishoners treat each other when they can't just smile and be 'filled with the holy spirit' no matter what is happening. On top of that, people are supposed to actually be grateful for whatever misery befalls them. I don't think any of that (and I know because I used to be a 'proper' Christian) really heals or helps anyone. It's just another form of denial in most circles. I do see some who use their spirituality as a support tool, but it is much more likely to be used in other, not-so-productive ways.

Deb said...

I've never before heard of the saying "if life gives you lemons make lemonade" in reference to God. That would annoy me too. I don't like perky little platitudes when I'm struggling just to make it through each day. It doesn't help, it just increases my frustration and shame level.

There is nothing biblical about this saying. Sometimes I think people spout of such tripe rather than really listen to what one is saying, rather than feel something like empathy which may require more than empty adages.


jumpinginpuddles said...

have a good break and looking forward tyo you telling us about it:)

Casey said...

Kahless...and Lynn...I am glad I am not the only one to struggle with these things. I will admit to sometimes feeling envious when people have such strong faith. I have sometimes had people indicate that my struggles are a failure on my part...but I dont go that far.

Beautifuldreamer....that "if life gives you lemons is an old saying. I dont believe it has its roots in anything theocratical....but it was stated by someone who is very religious. I think what she was trying to tell me....was to make the best of things. That is one of the issues I have. People telling other an obtuse way...that if they cant entirely deal with something...they are doing something wrong. That is the message I take away from matter how much kindness was behind the words initially. I guess I just cant accept everything so easily...although I suppose some people can and do.

Thanks for stopping by Beauty...its good to talk with you.
